Bumi Khatulistiwa, Medio Februari 2009
Dear Santi,
don't ya remember the first time we meet?
not in real, but u called me, akh cuprit had been introduced us before, yea that was bout AQ.
then we continued to communicate each other, even we: ya, akh cuprit, akh abiyasa n me, liked to kiddin by the chatbox in our own blog...
ya used to called me for AQ bussiness and mailed me, yea that was took place between us then i recommended my friend in Pontianak to be the misterious buyer in AQ.
we used to got chat also in YM, rite?
Subhanallah, we had gotten nice an exciting conversation coz we talked bout man...hihi...right man of course...
Santi, where r ya actually?
We Miss Ya
Eventhough we've never been met in real, but I believe our heart in unity beyond ukhuwah islamiyyah...
"Dan Dia menyatukan hati mereka. Sekiranya kamu (Muhammad) menafkahkan kesemua yang di dalam bumi, tentu kamu tidak akan dapat menyatukan hati mereka; tetapi Allah menyatukan antara mereka; sesungguhnya Dia Perkasa, Bijaksana." (8:63)
San, plz answer our writing...
We really miss ya cof of Allah.
We do love ya coz of Allah.
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