I'm not a chief or an expert in cooking, but i like to cook (whatever the result,hehe) and this time I wanna show ya all the menus in Risma and I breakfast for this recent days...Just check it out.

Vegetable Sour Nooddle (Mie Asam Sayur)
All these menus are ussual menu, just added other things to make it senses different. And bout this nooddle, rasanya asam tomat dan nyayur gitu (soale pemilik blog ini suka sayur)

Cappucino and sliced cheese burger (Kopi Capucino dan Burger Keju Iris)
Ini seleranya Rizyana banget niy....maksudnya cappucinonya...gimana pembuatan burgernya? Tunggu postingan selanjutnya
Mau tahu alternatif menu buat sarapan? Silakan klik lebih lanjut....

Vegetable Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Sayur)
As its name, this menu is just like general nasgor, just add vegetable. It's up to you to add other kind of vegetable, but I put string bean (kacang panjang) yang dipotong kecil-kecil Then to make it more crispy, enjoy the nasgor with rempeyek

Choco milk and rasped cheese burger (Susu Coklat dan Burger Keju Parut)
For this menu, I will write it in specific posting. Just wait it.

Cheese Fried Nooddle (Mie Goreng Keju)
Actually, this is an ordinary fried nooddle but just add rasped cheese.
How bout the taste? Ask Risma, coz this is her menu.
2 komentar:
emang kenyang sarapan roti?
klo aku ya mending nasgornya :D
tp sgitu masih kurang tuh...hehe..
keknyeeee, ade yang lagi belajar masak tolen lah ni! cie cie cie.... ada apa gerangan yak? hihihihi... *KABUURRRRRR*
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