To saw bumbu nasi goreng in refrigerator and kornet sambal left in our sahur , I guess it made Risma got insiration to made fried rice alias nasi goreng. What kind of nasgor ? Ni dia resep (ancur) kedua di blog Rizyana...hahaha...selamat mencoba...ting!
Actually, this is ussual fried rice. The steps of its making are:
1. Heat the vegetable oil onto fry pan (baca: kuali; biasalah, masak nasgor kan di kuali...masa di termos)
2. Put bumbu nasgor onto it until you smell the flavour
3. Put egg and orak-orik ajah tu adonan di atas kuali
4. Put kornet and aduk-aduk lagi
5. Place the rice there, stir it up, until all the kornet, egg and rice in unity
6. Add the MASAKO (ups, MENTION THE BRAND IS FORBIDDEN! you know it, haa ?!) and enough salt or sugar based on your taste
7. Reserve with vegetable (Risma and I used vegetables like sawi keriting, kacang panjang and tomat). And as additional food on plate, you can take nugget stick (like we did, lihat gambar dengan seksama...hehe). For drinking, it's up to you, but we used a cup of tea, hot one is better.
Have a delicious our NASI GORENG NETTE, guys....
Alias Nasi Goreng Kornet Telor
Maaf ni...cuma liatin gambar...wakakak...
Kalo mau seporsinya ...(*tanya Risma: berapa, Ma? *Risma jawab: Duapuluh reben,kak!)
Nah, silakan order...tar uang diserahkan, barang tak diantar!
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