For me, that's waiting time, secara....sepekan ngubekin just wanna refresh myself.
Then, this is the weekend together with someone I love (Bunda gua gitu, jangan suudzon ajah). Before went to the purposed place, Bunda and I took lunch at Pondok Presto Mimi.
Maybe you are the lovers of lemon tea, tomyam or nasgor? Just check this post out:

Wouw! Not like in ALILA Resto and Cafe, lemon tea in Mimi is greater, at least it's match to my taste: sweet. So i called this drinking: Sweet Lemon Tea.

Original Tom Yam, itu kata mbak yang punya Mimi. Made from original menu from Thailand, but I don't know actually the Thai made. Soale saya uda pernah ke Tom Yam Pak Along dibawah jembatan tol 1, dan rasanya beda, dan keduanya mengaku menu di resto mereka orisinil. Trus, yang mana dunk yang asli from Thailand???

Nasgor Seafood, it's name. How bout its taste? Yummy, coz I do like seafood! If you order it, you could find cumi and udang. Hemm, emang sih ada kerupuk ikan gitu, apa maksudnya ini juga termasuk menu seafood yak???
So, bout you? Just taste it by your own by go there:
Pondok Presto Mimi
Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto (Merdeka Timur)
Maybe we meet there??? Perhaps it's gonna happen coz I like to go to Mimi to get it's great Avocado Juice (beside sweet Lemon Tea).
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