This is Soto Semarang...I was curious when I offered this kind of soto by Acis for our ifthar at Monday, Dec 1st, 2008. HOnestly, I am the person who like to taste new kinda food, especially after I have been being a reporter for kuliner programme in my radio: Tho'amun Halalan Thoyyiban or Tho'am Hatho. Jadi berbekal penasaran, gimana sebenarnya soto semarang itu, campurannya apa aja, rasanya beda gak dengan soto kebanyakan, de el el...alhasil, kunikmati juga...enak lho! Uenak tenan, rek!
There are 'ayam suwir-suwir', bihun, many kinda vegetables, and kuahnya itu emang lain lho...ASLI! Cobain deh! Lidah kita termanjakan dengan sensasi rasa yang baru. Tapi tentu aja buat yang belum pernah ngrasain soto ini. Tambah kecap, sambal dan jeruk sambal...wouw, uenak tenannnnnn
Friend, you gotta know, this soto will be more delicious if we add other things like:

Yea, this is 'tahu goreng' and 'perkedel kentang'...Hemmm, so delicious!
Ternyata emang jadi tambah enak lho kalo soto semarang ditambah ini makanan....

Hemmm. This is sate of telur puyuh and ati ayam. I didnt try both of them. But for next time, maybe...
For you all who wanna continue my experince tasting soto semarang complited by tahu gorengand perkedel kentang, just go to SOTO SEMARANG MBAK NITA, Gusti hamzah Street, beside Nur Salim Mosque. Have a nice kuliner refreshing!
3 komentar:
walaupun aku belum pinter english, baca posting ini rasanya 'want to laugh and laugh again' :D
bukannya chicken soup harusnya ya?
Soto semarang mah ga ada duanya *halah
> important! please read this <
maksud saia, soto ayam... kan englishnya cicken soup to?
baca ini
wah...diposting juga akhirnya. emang uenak tenan yo...:D
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