So, daripada semakin nyemak-nyemakkan Dell gua...ini diah gua nyicil ngeposting!
The first 'cicilan' is bout my last weekend...after Keliling Ambawang via Tol 2, Ade and I went to a restaurant named Pak Along which popular by its Tom Yam. Rite, I did looked for it: Tom Yam. Actually, Ade have been ate at that time, but I havent yet, so I was the one who BERSEMANGAT SEKALI MENYANTAP my lunch also my breakfast and my dinner at that day (Alhamdulillah, so full my stomach with tom yam and nasgor pataya, from Thailand both of them).

Here they are Pak Along resto, reserves Thailand menu.

Tom Yam, asli from Thailand (katanya begitu....Presto Mimi juga ngaku begitu)

Unique candle that makes the fly goes away...and Tea Milk (Teh Susu) my fresh, friend!

Pataya Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Pataya)
I used to order this food but Ade who doesnt use to eat something 'berkuah' like Tom Yam. So I gave her my nasgor and I finally ate Tom Yam. You know, I ordered Pataya nasgor coz I inspired from novel of KCB (Ketika Cinta Bertasbih)...
This nasgor wrapped onto 'telor dadar'. The taste: DELICIOUS! You can find 'ayam suwir-suwir' inside it. YUMMY....

Tau ini gambar apa? Ini pas saya lagi makan Tom Yam. Tau dunk kalo Tom Yam itu isinya seafood and sayur gitu...THAT'S MY FAVOURITE! Nah, ntu ada cuminya, siap disantap...NYAMMMM...sedaaaappp! Ditemani ama nasi: HEMMM....HEMMMMMMMMM.....

Condition of Pak Along resto. Kayanya c biasa aja, tho. Tapiiii...rame yg uda dateng buat ngrasain Tom Yamnya...Sapa yang nyari Tom Yam di Pontianak: GAK SAH KALO BELUM KE TOM YAM PAK ALONG. Lha, kata sapa? Tau deh! Kata orang-orang kebanyakan.
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